While the book draws from his personal experiences, the primary message focuses more on the human aspects of the process. Aminov writes that in an era of political showmanship and partisanism, local politics often get caught up in the crossfire of the state and national level when it simply does not have to.
Kommunity, is an alternative networking platform designed for professionals, startup founders, and recruiters, proudly announced that it received a $5,000 cash grant and in-kind support through Elevate Together® to accelerate their growth and prosperity.
What came up was the topic of AI.I shared that we must be strategic in our USE of AI and how we should not DEPEND on it.
In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, having a robust and feature-rich online store is essential to stand out in the digital marketplace.
Marketing is an ecosystem, a web of actions that lead to the understanding of who you are as a company from the perspective of potential clients.
I like to educate myself a lot; I listen to philosophy, history, government, and business-related books. So you could say I am a nerd.
I am incredibly excited about this community because I’ve witnessed the transformative power of referrals and people coming together to forge new connections, leading to remarkable initiatives and business ventures.
What are your marketing goals for 2024? You may be planning to increase your organization’s membership, start a new business, or grow your current business. On the other hand, perhaps you aim to enhance the influence of your professional brand.
Many new business owners or people needing a website think that there are no other costs associated with this.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you the best of the best for 2024! I am excited for the community we are building!
This event is for you if you have ZERO experience with Facebook or minimal experience. And by minimal, I mean you’ve boosted a post on Facebook, and now you think you know how to set up ads— that type of minimal.