Browsing: Mental Health
A Billing Expert Saved Big After Finding an Incorrect Charge in Her Husband’s ER Bill
A Billing Expert Saved Big After Finding an Incorrect Charge in Her Husband’s ER Bill
An Abortion Rights Question on the California Ballot Revives the Debate Over ‘Viability’
An Abortion Rights Question on the California Ballot Revives the Debate Over ‘Viability’
When I was in graduate school to get a Master’s degree in nursing, we had a class on therapeutic touch. The students paired up and gently hovered our hands over the assigned partner from head to toe, not actually touching them, just feeling the heat and energy they emitted in different parts of their body. I was amazed to find that I could tell where they were feeling some symptoms.
Generally speaking, menopause creeps up on us around 50 years of age. However, for some it can begin in their 40ʼs. With that, the changes begin. Menopause is a natural occurring biological process that wreaks havoc on our physical and mental health.
Why is it that we often avoid difficult conversations? Is it because it makes us uncomfortable? Or are we afraid of the other person’s , or even our own , reaction? Knowing how to have that conversation is key to effective communication.
When we think of celebrating, weddings, anniversaries, friends or even just Fridays, many of us choose to gather at a local establishment for a few drinks. We blow off some steam, laugh and “ take the edge off”.
How we think affects how we behave. Our bad habits and behaviors are linked to our thinking patterns and our emotional wellbeing. Overindulgent habits such as alcohol, nicotine, laziness, overeating, habitual lying and negative attitude are all expressions of our emotional status. Stress and anxiety is often worn on the sleeve manifest as our behaviors.
My name is Dr. Roy Guerrero. I am a board certified Pediatrician and I was present at Uvalde Memorial Hospital the day of the massacre on May 24, 2022 at Robb Elementary school.
Lebanon, PA- Welcome to this new column on Integrative Health Care. You may also have heard of it by other names, such as Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CAM) or Holistic Health. This has been my passion for many years, even though I worked in the nursing field in traditional medicine all my life. Let me start by explaining what Complementary and Alternative Medicine is. Complementary Health Techniques (not the alternative ones) are used along with your traditional medical care, which is often medication, surgery, or physical therapy.
When I first met my husband Marc, and we were telling each other our life stories, he told me about how a few years before he had been in a deep depression, which went on for over a year and was getting worse.