Browsing: Q Hubo News
To fish the oceans sustainably, nations must reduce bycatch, or accidental catches. But fishermen often resist changing gear or techniques that kill nontargeted species.
The hefty sums many billionaires give away place them in an age-old debate about wealth and charity – and whether it’s appropriate for donors to have a say over their wealth from the grave.
NASA has been gaining momentum in recent years as investment into space has ramped up in the US. In 2022, missions dealt with the farthest, closest, hottest and coldest conditions in the universe.
Watching gun violence on screen can desensitize children to the harm caused by firearms.
The meeting is the first between the leaders since Japan outlined a more assertive defense strategy in December.
The House GOP has announced a slew of investigations, including a review of the conduct of the Department of Justice and its investigations of Donald Trump.
Trump isn’t the first modern president with legal problems, but he would be the first former president to be indicted for alleged crimes.
The technology’s focus on the framing of the artistic task amounts to the fetishization of the creative moment – and devalues the journey that waters the seed of an idea to its fruition.
A classics scholar reflects on Greek myths and what they can help us understand about recreating relationships – as a bridge from our past to present selves.
Childbearing goals have remained remarkably consistent over the decades. What has changed is when people start their families and how many kids they end up having.