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Mexico City, Mexico Thank you, Patty. And thank you for the amazing work that you’ve done to represent the United States and strengthen communities here in Mexico. I’m also grateful to Ambassador Salazar, Hope, and Andrea for hosting us today in your home. The Mexican-American art all around us is so powerful – I hope…
The post Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by First Lady Jill<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Biden at a Women’s Empowerment Event in<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Mexico appeared first on The White House.

InterContinental PresidenteMexico City, Mexico 10:10 A.M. CST MR. SULLIVAN: Thank you, guys, all for being here today. It’s Monday, January 9th. We are in the bilateral portion of the North American Leaders’ Summit program today with our bilateral meeting with President López Obrador. When I say “our” bilateral meeting, I actually mean President Biden’s bilateral…
The post Press Gaggle by National Security Advisor Jake<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Sullivan appeared first on The White House.

Canada, Mexico, and the United States condemn the January 8 attacks on Brazil’s democracy and on the peaceful transfer of power. We stand with Brazil as it safeguards its democratic institutions. Our governments support the free will of the people of Brazil. We look forward to working with President Lula on delivering for our countries, the Western Hemisphere, and…
The post Joint Statement by President Joe<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Biden, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau<span class=”dewidow”> </span>on Brazil appeared first on The White House.