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An overactive immune response to infection can be deadly. Studying how one key player called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF, induces lethal immune responses could provide new treatment targets.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Statutory Pay Systems. The rates of basic pay or salaries of the statutory pay systems (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5302(1)), as adjusted under 5 U.S.C. 5303, are set forth…
The post Executive Order on Adjustments of Certain Rates of<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Pay appeared first on The White House.
The bipartisan funding bill advances key priorities for our country and caps off a year of historic bipartisan progress for the American people. This bill is good for our economy our competitiveness, and our communities – and I will sign it into law as soon as it reaches my desk. This bill will advance cutting-edge research…
The post Statement from President Joe<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Biden on Passage of the Bipartisan Year-End<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Omnibus appeared first on The White House.
In Proclamation 7853 of December 10, 2004, the President designated Burkina Faso as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country for purposes of section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “Trade Act”), as added by section 111(a) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (the “AGOA”) (title I of Public Law 106-200, 114…
The post A Proclamation To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Purposes appeared first on The White House.
While Sanders deftly played the game of Black respectability politics during his short tenure, Jackson State had motives of its own when it hired the former NFL star.
Once again, we are seeing signs of our economy recovering and remaining resilient. Today’s report shows that incomes are up and inflation is coming down – while our job market remains strong. Christmas arrives with gas prices down and grocery store prices showing the lowest increase in a year. Coming the day after we saw…
The post Statement from President Joe<span class=”dewidow”> </span>Biden on Personal Consumption Expenditures in<span class=”dewidow”> </span>November appeared first on The White House.
On Friday, December 23, 2022, the President signed into law: H.R. 7776, the “James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023,” which authorizes fiscal year 2023 appropriations principally for Department of Defense programs and military construction, Department of Energy national security programs, and Intelligence programs; specifies a military basic pay increase and…
The post Press Release: Bill Signed: H.R.<span class=”dewidow”> </span>7776 appeared first on The White House.
Today, I have signed into law H.R. 7776, the “James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023” (the “Act”). The Act authorizes fiscal year appropriations for the Department of Defense, for Department of Energy national security programs, and for the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and the Intelligence Community. The…
The post Statement by the President on H.R. 7776, the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year<span class=”dewidow”> </span>2023 appeared first on The White House.
The role of then-President Donald Trump and his aides and advisers is important, but there is a lot more to the story of Jan. 6, 2021, than what happened behind closed doors.
The House Jan. 6 committee’s final report is the latest in a long series of congressional studies that have tried to answer hard questions about government failures and suggest ways to avoid them.