Matthew 9: 37-38
“It is truth, the harvest is great, but the workers few.
Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest.”
The world needs courageous people, committed to making a difference.
Our Community also has a need. Which many see it, live it but do not want to face it.
We don’t need to travel very far to be a Missionary.
Around you there is a need, you can contribute to this need.
You just need to be brave and be part of the help, and no longer pretend that you do not see it.
Our children, our elders will thank us.
We only need brave people who are willing to work for the community.
With the support of the Lord of the harvest. That is Jehovah, the one who sent his only son.
So that you and I, we could obtain his Mercy.
Now only he asks us to give by Grace what we receive by Grace.
Let’s be part of the Solution and let’s not see who does it better.
We can all do something for our community
Pastor: Jeffrey Bergollo
Lebanon Place of Refuge Church
1007 Cumberland st, Lebanon, PA, 17042