On Monday, December 19, 2022, the President put his signature to the bill, thus making it a law. The United States Postal Service building located in Anderson, California at 2141 Ferry Street has been named the Norma Comnick Post Office Building by H.R. 54813. Many thanks to Congressperson LaMalfa, Senators Feinstein and Padilla, and all the other politicians from California for their dedication in passing H.R. 700. This law has the goal of renaming the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 303 East Mississippi Avenue in Elwood, Illinois to the Lawrence M. “Larry” Walsh Sr. Post Office. I want to express my gratitude to Representatives Foster and Rush, Senators Durbin and Duckworth, as well as numerous other people for taking initiative. H.R. 3175 officially names the United States Postal Service building located at 135 Main Street in Biloxi, Mississippi the Robert S. McKeithen Post Office Building. I greatly appreciate Representatives Palazzo, Kelly, Guest and Thompson, as well as Senators Hyde-Smith and Wicker, who all played a crucial role in passing H.R. 5481. This establishes the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Forest City, North Carolina as the Master Sergeant Jerry K. Crump VA Clinic. Many thanks to Representatives Foxx, Budd, Hudson, McHenry, Cawthorn, Rouzer, Bishop, and Senators Burr and Tillis for their direction on H.R. 6614, the legislation bestowing the name of the Rosa Louise McCauley Parks Post Office Building on the U.S. Postal Service facility located at 4744 Grand River Avenue in Detroit, Michigan. Ample gratitude should also go to Representative Tlaib, Senators Peters and Stabenow, and the Michigan delegation for their guidance. The White House announced the signing of bills H.R. 228, H.R. 700, H.R. 3175, H.R. 5481, and H.R. 6614.