Press Release by Friends of Catherine Miller
LEBANON, Pa.— By backing out of the WLBR-NAACP Candidates Forum scheduled for October 24th, the Lebanon County Republican Committee and its candidates demonstrated their lack of interest in communicating with their own constituents.
According to Catherine Miller, Democratic candidate for House District 101, “Voters have now been deprived of the opportunity to hear candidates discuss issues that matter most to them. Elected officials are meant to be representatives of the people. It is the responsibility of candidates running for office to make themselves accessible to their voters.”
Further, she believes, “In an age where the majority of voters do not trust Government, my opponent’s refusal to meet with me in a public forum further destroys the trust voters have in politicians.”
The NAACP is a nonpartisan organization that was formed by people of all backgrounds and walks of life who came together in the united cause of civil rights for minority citizens. By saying that the Lebanon NAACP and its local leaders create a “hostile environment,” the local Republican Party and its candidates are sending a strong message to a large group of Lebanon County residents that their voices do not matter.
As Lebanon County becomes increasingly more diverse, racially, ethnically, and culturally, a public servant’s ability to meet with people of all backgrounds on their terms is essential.
“I appreciate that WLBR was put in an uncomfortable situation and felt they did not have a choice when the Lebanon County Republican Party and all Republican candidates refused to participate in its traditional Candidates Forum. I would urge WLBR and NAACP to reconsider canceling the event and to go forward with candidates like myself who are very interested in engaging with all members of the community,” states Miller.