A second victim of the New Year’s Eve fire at 427 W. Lemon Street has died. The victims, 18-year-old Anna Leavitt and 13-year-old Ariana Leavitt, lost their lives due to injuries sustained during the fire.
The Lancaster City Bureau of Fire and the Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal’s office have ruled the fire accidental due to electrical failure. The home sustained significant damage and has been condemned.
The Lancaster City Bureau of Fire reminds all residents to:
Install 10-year battery powered smoke alarms on every floor and in every bedroom.
Test your smoke alarms every month by the pressing the “test” button.
Ensure every person in your home understands and practices your home fire escape plan twice a year.
The Lancaster City Bureau of Fire can install smoke alarms free of charge to qualified homeowners in Lancaster City. For more information on smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms, please contact the Lancaster City Fire Marshal Division by calling (717) 291-4869 or by email at [email protected].
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