Ned Price, Department Spokesperson
Today, the State Department is reaffirming our commitment to refugee resettlement in line with our long tradition of providing a safe haven and opportunity to individuals fleeing persecution. With the world facing unprecedented global displacement and humanitarian needs, the United States is committed to leading efforts to provide protection and promote durable solutions to humanitarian crises, to include providing resettlement for the most vulnerable.
The Department of State, together with the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS), transmitted the President’s Report to Congress on the proposed Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2022 to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Next, together with DHS and HHS, the Secretary will consult with Congress about the President’s proposed Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2022. The Secretary looks forward to a meaningful exchange with Members of Congress.
The Report to Congress recommends an increase in the refugee admissions target from 62,500 in Fiscal Year 2021 to 125,000 in Fiscal Year 2022 to address needs generated by humanitarian crises around the globe.
A robust refugee admissions program is critical to U.S. foreign policy interests and national security objectives, and is a reflection of core American values. The United States has long been a global leader in refugee resettlement. The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) reflects our tradition as a nation that has long welcomed immigrants and refugees. It is an important, enduring, and ongoing expression of our commitment to international humanitarian principles and reflects the best of America’s values and compassion.
The Report to Congress will be posted to the State Department website at